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HomeLiability Waiver for Ski Trips Current

Ski Trip Liability waiver: I, for myself, my heirs, executors and representatives, hereby waive and release Lincoln Park Ski Club and its officers, agents, representatives, trip leaders, Board members, Associate Board Members and their respective personal representatives, successors and assigns (collectively the “Indemnified Parties”) from any and all claims or liabilities for injuries, illness or damages or otherwise which may arise for any reason whatsoever as a result of my voluntary participation in this Lincoln Park Ski Club trip or events associated with this trip.  I acknowledge that I am responsible for the condition of my own personal wellbeing and health and my condominium, hotel or other lodging during the period which I occupy it.  I assume the risk of any storm, inclement weather, acts of God, vehicle malfunction or breakdown, strikes, work stoppages, traffic accident or other hazard which may occur during the course of this trip or events beyond the control of the Indemnified Parties (collectively called “Acts of God”).  I shall pay and be responsible for all costs, charges and expenses imposed by carriers, lodging management, ski areas, equipment rental stores, or otherwise, except for my proportionate share of any refund received by Lincoln Park Ski Club as a result of such Acts of God.   .


I acknowledge that there is an inherent risk of Covid-19 and other health issues, whether in public spaces including but not limited to restaurants and bars, or other areas, on this trip. Despite these risks, I am comfortable going on this trip, and no one has pressured or influenced me to do so. I assume, and I acknowledge that the Indemnified Parties shall have no responsibility for, all such risks. I am in good health and, to the best of my knowledge, have not been in contact with anyone unrecovered from Covid-19. I agree that I can be asked to leave this trip by the Trip Leader if I do not follow his or her directions regarding reducing the risk of Covid-19. I know that bare spots, variations in snow, stumps, forest growth, debris and rocks, and many other hazards or obstacles (marked or unmarked) exist within any river, lake, and biking or ski area. I assume the risk of such dangers involved and release the Indemnified Parties of any liabilities whatsoever, whether arising from the conditions of the area or otherwise, and of all claims and liabilities for injuries resulting from such dangers.

I have read all of the above and agree to the terms and conditions stated above.  By clicking on this acceptance box I sign my name as of today’s date.