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HomeAnti Harassment Policy

LPSC Anti-Harassment Policy / Approved 6/29/24


The Board of Directors of the Lincoln Park Ski Club (LPSC) is committed to providing an environment that is free of harassment with respect to any member or guest of LPSC, including but not limited to racial, gender, age, disability, ethnic or personal harassment, and where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

The Board recognizes the rights of members and guests to participate in an environment free of harassment and expects all members, guests and the Board to work jointly to achieve that goal.  In that regard, the Board may take appropriate action in the case of any member or guest who engages in any form of harassment

Definition of Harassment:

Harassment includes but is not limited to any inappropriate conduct, comment, display, action or gesture by a person that is either based on race, creed, religion, color, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, physical size or weight, age, nationality, ancestry or place of origin.


Examples of racial, ethnic or gender harassment can include, but is not limited to:

  • Inappropriate touching, suggestive or abusive remarks of a sexual nature, compromising invitations, sexual assault, coarse language of a sexual nature, displaying pornographic material or seeking sexual favors;
  • Unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendos or taunts of sexual, racial or an ethnic nature;
  • Displaying materials, pictures or graffiti that degrades or offends one’s race, ethnic background or gender;
  • Insulting gestures, jokes and/or disparaging written material based on race, ethnic background or gender that causes embarrassment or humiliation.

Personal harassment is conduct or comments which are intimidating, threatening, demeaning or abusive and which is or can reasonably be inferred to be unwelcome. Personal harassment can take many forms and can be a source of great anxiety to an individual and/or those witnessing such unwelcome behavior even in the absence of the immediate subject of the conduct or comments. It may be so serious and unrelenting that the person who is or has been harassed may feel it necessary to change their accommodations, trip plans or seating position. Harassment has the impact of creating an environment that is hostile, and affects the integrity and dignity of and limits individuals in their day-to-day activities and involvement with LPSC or its members or guests.


Examples of personal harassment can include, but is not limited to:

  • ostracism;
  • public reprimand, ridicule, sarcasm or humiliation;
  • constant criticism or trivializing of achievements;
  • bullying, including but not limited to acts or omissions considered offensive, malicious, intimidating, insulting or humiliating whether verbal, physical, emotional or otherwise.

Some of the examples outlined may cause mild irritation if occurring only once, but if repeated, can become personal harassment. Other examples are very clearly harassment even if they occur only once; all are inappropriate, unacceptable and the subject of this Anti-Harassment Policy.

The LPSC Board of Directors will take complaints of harassment seriously, and will address complaints of discrimination or harassment in a manner to best protect the confidentiality of those involved.

Procedures for Harassment Complaints

Complaints of harassment should be first attempted to be resolved between the complainant and the respondent/accused. If necessary, a mediator may be appointed by the uninvolved President, Vice-President, the Chair of the Membership Committee or Chair or of the Finance Committee. Complaints that cannot be resolved will be dealt with in the following manner:

A. Members and guests can refer the complaint directly to their trip leader, assistant trip leader, board member or the board. If the respondent is the trip leader or board member, the complaint shall be referred to the President, Vice-President, the chair of the membership committee or chair of the finance committee, so long as not otherwise involved.

B. In the case of harassment, the member and/or guest being harassed has the right to discontinue contact with the alleged harasser, without incurring any penalty, pending determination of the complaint.

C. Complaints under this policy will be handled with all possible confidentiality and expediency.

  1. Complaints will be investigated by a representative appointed by the uninvolved President or Vice-President, as the case may be, a representative of the membership committee, and a representative from the membership of the Club. This three (3) person committee shall select from amongst themselves a chairperson who will oversee the investigation and prepare a final report to the Board.
  2. The Committee shall attempt to investigate the complaint and prepare its report, with any recommendation(s) as quickly as possible. The Board may impose sanctions on the respondent if believed warranted.
  3. Sanctions may include suspension, expulsion from LPSC or any other penalty deemed appropriate. In cases of suspension, the period shall not
    exceed (6) months. A penalty shall not be arbitrary or discriminatory.

D. An alleged offender (respondent) under this policy shall be entitled:

  1. to be given notice, verbal or written, of the substance of a complaint under this policy;
  2. to be given notice of and to attend, participate in or be accompanied by an advocate, at any hearing which is held as a result of a complaint under this policy;
  3. in the event of sanctions being imposed, to lodge an appeal to the Board by written notice to that effect, delivered to the secretary-treasurer within seven (7) days from the date of receiving notice of such sanction. Upon receipt of such notice of appeal, the Board shall be convened as soon as thereafter as may be and shall consider said appeal and may make such decision thereon as to them as seems appropriate;
  4. to notice of the meeting at which said appeal shall be heard and considered, and be entitled to be present, participate in or be accompanied an advocate.

E. The findings and decisions of the Board thereon shall be final and conclusive. The Board shall notify the respondent (accused) appealing of any such result of the appeal.

F. Filing a Complaint:

Members or guests may initiate a complaint verbally, but the complainant or the member receiving the complaint may be asked to document the issue with the following information:

  1. the identity of the complainant and respondent;
  2. a detailed description of the occurrence(s) including the time, date and location of the incident(s) along with the names of any other persons involved and witnesses (name, contact number, relationship to individual filing the complaint);
  3. The complainant’s signature, date and the name of the person receiving the complaint.